Unit 6 - Working with Three Dimensions

Perimeter and Area in a Coordinate Plan - So, what do you do if you have some shape on a coordinate plane, but you need to find the area of the perimeter of the shape? Learn how to do this, as well as the different formulas for different area shapes, here!

Cross Sections and Solids of Rotations - You've come a long way. You've dealt with all sorts of shapes and objects in 2 dimensions. From congruence to similarity, to formulas and equations! Since we've pretty much exhausted the 2-D realm, let's jump into 3-D! Find out how to predict what may be made when you cut a three dimensional shape across a certain plane! Also, find out what things look like when they are rotated about a line!

Surface Area of Prisms and Cylinders - Now that we're into 3-D shapes, the new question we can ask ourselves is what to do when you want to know the area of the entire surface of the 3-D shape? Specifically, prisms and cylinders!

Surface Area of Pyramids and Cones - So we've touched on surface area of some 3-D shapes before, but those all had a top and a bottom. What happens when the shape doesn't have that? Like a pyramid of a cone? Find out how to find the surface area here!

Surface Area of Spheres - You've come a long way when it comes to surface area and 3-D objects with sides. But what if the shape doesn't have any sides, like with a marble? Or a bowling ball? Find out how to find the surface area of spheres here!

Volume of Prisms and Cylinders - So surface area is to volume in 3-D shapes, as perimeter is to area in 2-D shapes. Find out how much a prism or cylinder can hold in this lesson!

Volume of Pyramids - Now, for surface area we covered way more than just prisms and cylinders. So, let's take a look at how to find the volume of a pyramid as well!

Volume of Cones - Now what happens when our pyramid, instead of having a sided base, has a circular one? Well, it's very similar to finding the volume of a pyramid, but it's a little different. Find out how different here!

Volume of Spheres - Finally, the last 3-D shape we need to work with! Find out how to find the volume of a sphere, and the weird way that we figured out the formula!