Unit 5 - Circle Theorems

Arc Length - In this unit, we're moving away from triangles, and instead setting our sites on circles! Find out how to find a specific part of the circumference (perimeter) of a circle with only the radius to help you out!

Sector Area - Now that we know how to find sections of the circumference of a circle, let's look at how to find sections of the area! Find out how to find this area with only the radius to help you out, here!

Central and Inscribed Angles - You may have thought we were all done with angles.......but you thought wrong. Find out the difference between a central angle of a circle, and an inscribed one, and how the two relate to each other here!

Tangent and Circumscribed Angles - So just like with triangles, we've looked at angles inside of a circle, but what happens when we have an angle outside of the circle, but still touching the circle? Find out how to deal with those, and more, here!

Angles Inscribed in Quadrilaterals - Speaking of inscribed angles, can we find them in other shapes? Find out how to deal with them when we're dealing with quadrilaterals inside circles as well!

Circles: Deriving Standard Form of a Circle - We've looked at a ton of different properties of circles. However, we never looked at the algebra of what makes up a circle. Find out how to find the standard form of a circle, and where all of that came from!

Completing the Square Review - Now let's take a refresher on how to complete the square properly. This is very important when dealing with circles. Find out how here!

Circles: Converting from General to Standard Form - That refresher is going to help us an awful lot! Learn what to do when we find ourselves with the general form of a circle, but we want more information like the center and radius!

Circles: Converting from Standard to General Form - So we know how to get a general form equation to standard, but what if we want to work backwards for some reason? Well, here's how to do that!