Unit 1 - Rigid Motions

Beginner Constructions - Welcome to Geometry! The study of sizes, shapes, positions, angles, and dimensions of things. This course will show you all sorts of formulas for shapes, as well as proofs and some hidden features that you may not have known about before. To start this journey, however, let's look at how to properly construct some basic Geometric shapes!

Transformations: Translations - Now that you know some basic constructions, let's talk about how to move those constructions and what's that called. Check that out here!

Transformations: Rotations - Sometimes, we don't want to actually just translate a shape from set of points to another. Sometimes, we want to change how it looks altogether (without changing its size). That's how rotations came to be! Check out how to properly rotate in geometry!

Transformations: Reflections - Rotations and Translations aren't the only non-rigid transformation however! When we reflect a shape across a line, it acts like a mirror image, but makes it much easier to work with. Check out how to here!

Transformations: Review - Think you understand transformations now? Let's see them altogether then in this lesson!

Sequences of Transformations - So, what happens when we want to change a shape more than once? How can we tell what changed first? Or how about what it looked like before it was changed? Look at it here!