Unit 4

Properties of Exponents - A more in-depth look

Exponents - Welcome to Algebra B! To start off with the real material (and not the review material) here's looking at what we left off in Algebra A (but with a little more detail).

Exponential Multiplication - Again, we are simply refreshing what we learned in Algebra A, unit 4. Here is how to properly multiply exponents!

Exponential Division - So we now know what exponents are, as well as how to multiply them. Here is where you can learn how to divide them!

Negative Exponents - Now you've come a long way! You've conquered mathematic fundamentals, linear equations, linear inequalities, systems of both, and now some exponential functions. Now, let's look at what happens when your exponential functions aren't nice and positive, but instead take a turn. Look for that here!

Fractional Exponents - So, everyone hates fractions. However, fractional exponents are a little different than regular fractions. Look over this to understand a little bit more!

Roots - Roots are another way of writing fractional exponents. The reason you need to know this, is because this is actually the correct way to write this expression. Plus, there are a lot of things we can do with roots! Check it out!

More Exponential Properties (aka the Power Rule) - So, now that we have worked out many different ways to handle exponents, the last way we're going to go over is what happens when you have an exponent inside another exponent!